Welcome to the CALOOSA BIRD CLUB!
67 Years of Birding: 1958-2025
- Are you interested in birding in Fort Myers and the Southwest Florida area?
We organize weekly bird trips in Lee County, Collier County and beyond. See the Meetings and Field Trips section below and our Events calendar.
- Are you just starting to bird, or are you an experienced birder?
Beginning birders are welcome! We are a friendly, welcoming group of both veteran and novice birders. You'll pick up tips on field identification, song, migration patterns, behavior and habitat. Many of our members make the Fort Myers, Florida area their winter home, migrating here to warmer climes during the fall and winter months and back north again with the spring.
- Do you enjoy making new friends?
There is also a "social" aspect to the club, where members renew old friendships and enjoy each other's company while focusing on their mutual interests of birds and birding. We've started a Facebook Page open just for club members to share memories, photos and information.
Meetings and Field Trips
There is a general meeting at 2:00 pm every second Sunday during the months of November through April. On each Monday during the season, there is a scheduled field trip, usually ending with a picnic-style lunch. There are also trips planned on Saturdays to STA 5 during the season. A few trips to more distant birding sites such as St. Marks N.W.R. or Everglades N.P. require an overnight or longer stay. At the end of each trip, a list of bird sightings and the number of participants is compiled for club records. The meeting and trip schedule can be found on the "Events" tab.
Vince McGrath: Trip Chairman
Christmas Bird Count
On a Monday in December, the club conducts a Christmas Bird Count for the National Audubon Society. The club's circle, centered in southern Cape Coral, radiates 15 miles to portions of Fort Myers, Cape Coral and Pine Island. Charlie Ewell is the Christmas Bird Count Chair.
Prospective members must attend one general meeting, participate in two field trips, and show serious interest in the purpose and function of the club. So come to one of our bird walks and check it out! If you are sincerely interested in participating in the Caloosa Bird Club, please download a copy of the membership application and submit it after your membership requirements have been met. Send the completed application along with the initiation fee and dues payment to the Membership Chair (Elle O'Neill at elleoneill67@yahoo.com). The application will be submitted to the Executive Committee for action. New members pay a $15 initiation fee. Annual dues are $20 per year sent to the club Treasurer.